Let’s talk MongoDB

G’Day, Folks,
I am starting with my M001 course today and I planned to document my learnings as I always aim to do :)
Chapter 01
What is MongoDB?
MongoDB is NoSQL, documentDB that stores data as documents unlike the legacy approach of storing data in rows and columns. The collection of documents is called a Collection.
There can be many collections per database and many documents per collection.
What is a Document?
A document is a way to organize and store data as a set of field-value pairs.

Field: A unique identifier or a variable name
Value: Data related to the unique identifier
An organized store of documents in MongoDB, usually with common fields between documents.
MongoDB database can have one or more collections.
What is MongoDB Atlas?
MongoDB Atlas is a fully managed cloud database built for a wide range of applications with MongoDB at its core for data storage and retrieval.
Atlas offers a multitude of services to visualize, analyse and build applications with your data. Atlas users can deploy clusters which are group of servers that store your data. These servers are configured in a replica set i.e connected MongoDB instances storing the same data.
A single machine locally or in the cloud, running a certain software.
Replica Set

The setup ensures if something happens to one of the machines in replica set, the data would remain intact and available for the application via the remaining working members of the replica set. Redundant copies of documents and collections are stored within the replica set.
When you deploy an Atlas cluster, it is automatically configured as a replica set without any intervention.
Atlas manages the cluster creation, and maintainence of database deployment. You can select cloud provider and region of your choice and Atlas will do the rest. It’s also a good way to experiment with new tools and features.
Atlas has pricing tiers depending on the application load. M0 is a free Atlas tier that provide 512 MB storage and is a good option to experiment with Atlas App Services.
Atlas User Interface Overview

The left panel shows options for cluster management, while App Services and Charts are services that comes with Atlas.
Connect to Atlas Cluster
You are prompted to create a database user and add IP to Access list when you deploy your cluster. There are multiple ways to connect to cluster.

I chose to connect with MongoDB Shell and followed the prompts to install Mongoosh and connected to cluster using the connection string.
Check MongoDB Atlas documentation for more information.
Will continue on CRUD operations in the next part!