Day 02 of #100DaysOfCode

Henna Singh
Feb 9, 2022


Photo by Clément Hélardot on Unsplash

I could not spend a lot of time on code as it was not one of my best days :-/ so I spent some time learning about UI/UX from the Frontend Track that I had started on Jetbrains Academy a while ago.

I am pretty excited to start the Flashcard Project that comes after I finish learning all the Frontend fundamentals :D



  • Three questions to keep in mind while designing a user-friendly, easy-to-use, and useful website/application — Who are you making this product for, How will they use the product, What does a person need to solve their problem.
  • UI/UX design comparison
  • UI — what the users “See” and UX — what the users “feel”. These two parts are inseparable from each other.



Henna Singh
Henna Singh

Written by Henna Singh

Technical Speaker and an aspiring writer with avid addiction to gadgets, meet-up groups, and paper crafts. Currently doing Full Stack Diploma at Code Institute

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