BookLog Application: UI Design Part 2

Henna Singh
2 min readFeb 21, 2022


#buildTogether Day15/100

Today has been a slow and lazy day. My brain went on leave and I could not finish what I had originally planned. It is OK to be not OK, right…. :D so one of those days..

You know I was cooking chicken :P while I also worked on designing the UI screens for adding the book and author and I realise coding while cooking is not a bad idea ;)

Both screens look similar with a slight difference in what needs to be added for each model.

The fragment_add_book code and screen :


Similarly the fragment_add_author code and screen:


I added Recycler View to my BookList Fragment that will display the list of authors and books.

The UI screen for booklist_item_layout is as below. At this time, I am more focused on getting the logic right than I am on the UI.


Today I completed layouts of all the screens and my next task is to add logic to these screens so that the author and book when added are stored in the realm database and when connected to the internet, the data gets synced to Atlas.

Pending questions that I have in my head are:

  • How will I consider adding multiple books and/or authors?
  • How Recycler View will work when the list is getting data from two Realm object models

I came across an error when I ran the app after creating all screens, I had accidentally named “AddAuthorFragment” as “AddOwnerFragment”. When I changed the name and ran the app, my nav_graph could not locate the “AddAuthorFragment” class that I renamed. It was still looking for “AddOwnerFragment” which is not there anymore… I need to figure out how to fix this tomorrow… 🤔

If you like reading my day15/100 journal, please feel free to reach out to me on MongoDB Community Forums and join the 100-day challenge with me 😁



Henna Singh
Henna Singh

Written by Henna Singh

Technical Speaker and an aspiring writer with avid addiction to gadgets, meet-up groups, and paper crafts. Currently doing Full Stack Diploma at Code Institute

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